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  • Walking for Clarity: My Personal Odyssey of 100 Days, Discovering Serenity, and Rediscovering My True Self

Walking for Clarity: My Personal Odyssey of 100 Days, Discovering Serenity, and Rediscovering My True Self

Let's take a walk

Walking for Clarity: My Personal Odyssey of 100 Days, Discovering Serenity, and Rediscovering Myself

The Cortext

What’s up, super star! Cordell II here and welcome to the Cortext.

Time to level up our wellness

In this newsletter, we'll be exploring my findings form my 100 days of clarity walks.

Let’s dive in.

What’s on the MENU today:

3 Key Insights from My Walks

  1. Patience

  2. Mindfulness

  3. Consistency

    Before we embark on the journey today I would like to say thank you so much for being here and tuning into this new adventure of mine its been 1 week since my first release and we have 19 subscribers in the community!

I’m grateful for you all and excited to see us grow and become 1% better every day!

Learning to write better and create what I have been telling myself for YEARS that I would (damn procrastination) has put the biggest smile on my face.

Each week formatting may change and how I deliver this newsletter and topics may differ. I would love feedback as I create a Newsletter full of value and entertainment for us.

I’m doing this newsletter as a way to better express and organize interesting thoughts, insights, and learnings from everyday life.

Learning new skills, and create an environment that facilitates inner growth, accountability and community while simultaneously reaching new creators (we all are even if you don’t think it currently — more perspective on that later hehe) and those on a path to increase quality of life and wellness is of high importance to me.

Let’s get these steps in together…


Stop forcing!

Imagine going to a magical amusement park. The rollercoaster you have been waiting to ride all month long is there ready to take you on an epic adrenaline filled ride.

It’s been what seems like years of waiting since you have been planning this trip. “Nothing will go wrong this time!”, you think to yourself. (right 🤔)

Pulling up to the amusement park eyes sparkling you see the massive mystical masterpiece of a rollercoaster!

Its beauty felt like a Disney move where you were being taken on a magic carpet ride.

The excitement is oozing from the smile on your face as you walk your way into the park to realize the line for the coaster is 3 hours long!

“Again?!? No way! I have to wait 3 hours after I have been waiting so long just to get here!”

This was the 3rd time you got really excited about this ride and the line was so long. Each other attempt you stayed in line for about an hour and left because the line wasn’t moving fast enough.

Destroying all excitement and ruining your trip.

Well…this time you finally decided to be patient and stick out the wait in the clammy heat. There is just no way you will miss out on this magical experience this time.

Thrilled, excited, and proud of yourself for sticking it out this wait made you feel accomplished and way better.

This is basically what it felt like to get started on my journey walking for clarity. I had attempted a few times in the past year to create this habit and abandoned it.

This was my first time sticking through creating this habit and going 100 days in a row!

Patience has taught me:

  • Confidence in myself

  • Time management

  • Empathy for self

  • Keep going

    oh and I actually really dislike rollercoasters 🎢 but, this story was fun to write ✍️


What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is when we pay super close attention to what's happening right now without judging it as good or bad.

It's like using our mind powers to be fully present in the moment.

We notice our thoughts, feelings, and what's going on around us without getting stuck in the past or worrying about the future.

Mindfulness helps us understand ourselves better, feel calmer, and make better choices. It's like having a special superpower to enjoy life more FULLY.

It was important for me to all myself to just be. Life can throw some serious curveballs and if you’re like me we’re doing our best to smash that home run and not strike out.

However, the thing about striking out that I wasn’t paying attention to is the compound learning from attempts at bat.

Everyday for me for the past 100 days was a day at bat. Choose to step up to the plate and go on these walks for myself was a must for me.

I started

-paying more attention to my breaths

-coming up with ideas for content to create

-listening to my body more

-enjoying being with myself in the present moment

Something to try out when you go on your walk for clarity.

What I have found to be meaningful is that pivoting isn’t quitting, its Iteration on what we set out to do.

It’s a part of the human experience, so embrace the discomfort and stay with it.

Let me know you when you try mindfulness or if you already have. Interested to hear your experience in the comments or in a DM.


Below is a picture of me practicing a pose connecting with nature and the environment.

Show up! Show up! Show up!

A problem I have been working on is showing up for others and not always showing up for myself.

Ever dealt with that before?

One of my favorite quotes from social media mogul and serial entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk says, “Don't focus on being perfect; focus on being consistent. Small, consistent actions lead to big results over time.

It’s a different feeling proving to yourself that what you say you will do you do consistently.

It’s also okay to fail and just start again.

I began doing this 150 push ups in 30 min challenge and decided I would do it for 30 days.

I believe around day 15 I skipped a day and thought omg 😱 no, all my hard work for nothing and for me to fail at the streak…

But then I remembered I could just keep going the next day until I manage 30 days.

I recognized trying to do a ton of challenges all at once was overwhelming to my body so I kept my focus on everyday doing my walks and let my push ups happen but without the pressure (that I created lols) to make them be everyday in a row.

I just needed to get to 30 days.

Gamification Technique:

Rule: Create a rule that you will walk for at least X mins. a day(or steps etc you decide)

Challenge: Pick a time period like 1 Week or 30 Days for example and stick to it

Reward: Reward yourself with something you really enjoy at the end of it. Like ticket to a show or fun solo trip somewhere. Treat yoself okayyy!

This is my R.C.R Framework for Gamification.

Here are some tips for getting started with walking for clarity:

  • Start with a short walk, such as 30 minutes.

  • Find a quiet place to walk where you won't be interrupted.

  • Listen to music or a podcast while you walk.

  • Pay attention to your surroundings and notice the beauty of nature.

  • Be patient with yourself and don't expect to see results overnight.

Community Engagement

  • Q&A: Ask me anything about personal growth and wellness, and receive personalized advice. DM and follow me on www.twitter.com/cordellthe2nd 

  • Share your success stories and testimonials of how leveling up has helped you in your journey on my twitter use #walkforclarity and tag me @cordellthe2nd when you do!

  • Exciting upcoming events, challenges, and games for our Cortext community.

  • I want to hear from you about your journey so feel free to comment and send me updates on your progress.

Thanks for taking this adventure with me

  • Keep leveling up on your journey!

  • Stay engaged and participate in our upcoming challenges and games.

  • Share The Cortext with others who seek personal growth and well-being.

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful

Albert Schweitzer

Love this quote. For me it means to enjoy getting out of your comfort zone and try new things so see what truly makes you happy.

Connecting with nature and my curiosity has brought much happiness and inner peace to my soul.

My hope is that it bring you much happiness and clarity as well.

🔦 Creator Spotlight:

Resolutionist ReportConquering your Goals, Habits and Purpose with the power of Resolve
  • I messed up the page last time so here we go! Check out my friend Richy and his newsletter. He is a great guy and honest human. Learn from him in our talks often.

If you're interested in learning more about my experience leveling up wellness and personal growth, please keep your eyes peeled for the newsletter weekly and follow me on social media.

I'm always sharing new information and resources that have helped me and can help you to live a healthier life.

Start Playing,

Cordell II


or to participate.